Drug & Alcohol Specimen Collection Training

U.S. Coast Guard regulations require that vessel supervisors, who are assigned alcohol testing and specimen collection functions, be trained appropriately. Alcohol training includes testing procedures for saliva swabs or breathalyzer devices. Drug testing training includes step-by-step procedures for urine specimen collection.

Training complies with U.S. Coast Guard mandated regulatory provisions contained in DOT regulations, 49 CFR Part 40.

AMS will issue industry standard certification to those vessel supervisors who successfully complete the program thereby evidencing compliance with DOT regulatory provisions.

Designated Employer Representative (DER) Training

In order to successfully comply with U.S. Coast Guard mandated requirements in random drug testing programs, it is vital that DER/s be familiar with the responsibilities of this role. DER training covers the Chain of Custody process, record keeping requirements, rules regarding background checks and procedures for properly reporting positive test results to the U.S. Coast Guard.

Training complies with U.S. Coast Guard mandated regulatory provisions contained in DOT regulations, 46 CFR Part 16 and 49 CFR Part 40.

AMS will issue industry standard certification to DERs who successfully complete the program thereby evidencing compliance with these U.S. Coast Guard regulatory provisions.

Preventing Sexual Harassment Liability & Anti-Discrimination Training

Managers and Supervisors set the tone for the level of seriousness with which other personnel view discrimination and harassment. The way in which a manager or supervisor initially deals with a harassment complaint, will potentially increase or decrease a company’s liability. Topics include: co-worker/supervisor harassment, hostile work environment and the legal implications of failing to take action.

Training complies with the highest state-mandated supervisory training requirements.

AMS will issue industry standard certification pursuant to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1990 and the EEOC regulatory guidelines to personnel who successfully complete the programs.

Drug & Alcohol Training for the Federal Transit Administration (FTA)

This training course satisfies FTA training under both 49 CFR Section 655.14(b) (drug and alcohol supervisory training) and 49 CFR Section 655.43 (reasonable cause legal criteria). A review of post-accident testing criteria under 49 CFR Section 655.44 may also be included in the training at the election of the employer.

AMS will issue certification confirming compliance with FTA training obligations pursuant to 49 CFR Section 655.14(b) and 49 CFR Section 655.43.

Drug & Alcohol Training Compliance Program for the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Part 219

This 3-hour program provides training that satisfies the following FRA mandated regulatory requirements:

Supervisory training on drug/alcohol reasonable cause and post-accident testing criteria under 49 CFR 219.11(g) and 49 CFR Part 219, Subpart C

Supervisory training on the detection of acute behavioral and apparent physiological effects of major drug groups on the controlled substances lists pursuant to 49 CFR 219.11(g)

Supervisory training on the detection of acute behavioral and apparent physiological effects of alcohol pursuant to 49 CFR 219.11(g)

Certification confirming compliance with FRA training obligations pursuant to 49 CFR 219.901(c)(4)(iii) and (iv) will be issued.

(We also provide a five-hour specimen collector training program that certifies supervisors pursuant to 49 CFR Part 40 to facilitate FRA-mandated post-accident testing in remote locations).

Drug and Alcohol Training Compliance Program for Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) Part 195:

This program that satisfies PHMSA-mandated supervisory training on the behavioral cues indicating probable drug use and on the behavioral cues indicating alcohol misuse. It also covers supervisory training on drug/alcohol reasonable cause and post-accident testing criteria under 49 CFR 199.105(b) and (c).

Training complies with PHMSA-mandated supervisory training pursuant to PHMSA 49 CFR 199.113(a)-(c) and 199.241.

AMS will issue certification confirming compliance with PHMSA training obligations.

Responsible Alcohol Service Training:

Learning to recognize and deal with behavioral warning signs of intoxication can make the difference between responsible service and tragedy. This seminar will teach servers how to gauge a customer’s level of intoxication before it becomes a problem and places a business in a vicarious liability situation.

As provided in Alcoholic Beverage Control Section 65, the suspension of a person’s license to sell alcoholic beverages may be prevented where the licensee holds a valid New York State Responsible Vendor Program (RVP) certificate. We provide training to meet TIPS (Training for Intervention Procedures) standards.

AMS will issue industry standard certification upon completion of this course.

Wellness & Nutrition Seminar

Our Registered Dietitian Nutritionist will translate nutrition information into practical solutions, helping employees to lose weight and make healthier choices while on land and at sea. Healthy employees help reduce healthcare costs and improve productivity by decreased absenteeism, employee retention, decreased hospitalizations, and decreased prescription use. In a study recently published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, for every $1 spent on nutrition counseling with a Registered Dietitian, $4 was saved in reduced healthcare costs.

Each 2 hour seminar will be tailored to specific audiences.

Joann Meltz is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist in private practice in New York and also teaches Corporate Wellness Seminars.


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